What’s new at Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary
The Horse and Friends Radio Show
Your donations matter.We have no paid staff. 100% of your donation goes directly to equine care, including: hay, feed, vet bills, hoof trimming, equine dentistry, and more. We appreciate every dollar of your help and support. Your donations matter. We have no paid...
Why a New Fence?
To begin, it was necessary to clear the vegetation in order to get in with the materials and set the line for the fence. Had to hire a guy with a bulldozer. The entire distance is 1/4 mile. We are almost half-way. Probably another 5 days of work. It's exhausting....
Hay Wagon Club
How You Can Help the Horses of Proud Spirit with recurring donations Join the Hay Wagon Club at Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary Your monthly amount is your choice. You can change it at any time. You can cancel it at any time. A recurring donation is an enormous help for...
Your Help Is Needed!
Please Donate Over fifty horses live at Proud Spirit. Melanie and Jim need your help. Anyone who has a horse knows that ONE is costly. Your donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. For PayPal and other ways to help, please click on Donate. We need...
Dogs of Proud Spirit
"Once you open your heart, your mind and your home to taking in animals that no one else wants, it becomes sort of like a Field of Dreams: build it and they will come." - Melanie Sue Bowles: The Dogs of Proud Spirit." Your donations matter.We have no paid staff....
Help the Horses of Proud Spirit
Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary
302 Clint Johnson Rd.
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Federal Tax ID #65-1103738
Your contributions are tax deductible.
Thank you for your support!